Logic WG

Logic Working Group, Spring 2022

Location: 502 JCC
Time: Wed 4:30-5:30
Textbooks: Priest, Graham: An Introduction to Non-Classical Logic, 2nd edition. CUP, 2008.

A working group interested in mathematical, computational, and philosophical aspects of logic.

Jan 26IntroductionDavid Smyth
Feb 02Switches Paradox
Completeness Theorem for PL
David Smyth
Feb 09GP 2-3
Modal Logic
Possible-worlds-semantics and taxomony of modal logics
David Smyth
Feb 16GP Ch 4-6
Non-normal Modal Logic
Intuitionistic Logic
David Smyth
Feb 23Tableaux, Natural Deduction, Soundness and CompletenessStudents Only
Mar 2GP Ch 7-8
Many-valued Logics, FDE
Relation between Logics and Algebraic Geometry
David Smyth
Mar 9An Internal Logic of a CategoryMax Jeffs
Mar 16GP Ch 9-10
Relevance Logics
David Smyth
Mar 30Types and Proof Assistants
[webpage] [slides]
George McNinch
Apr 6GP Ch 12-16
First-Order Logic
Quantified Modal Logic
David Smyth
Apr 13Bisimulations in Modal LogicDilip Ninan
Apr 20C.S. Peirce's Diagrammatic Calculus
Gianluca Caterina
Apr 27Wrapping up
Tarski On the Concept of Followling Logically
Note: trans. of original paper starts at p.23
David Smyth